Adjust Front Alignment


Included Operations

•    Position vehicle on alignment rack and check/adjust tire pressure
•    Check ride height and adjust to vehicle manufacturer specifications
•    Set-up gauges on all 4 wheels and check wheel run out and front suspension for wear
•    Determine vehicle tracking by checking thrust angle to vehicle center line
•    Center steering wheel
•    Adjust front caster, camber and toe-in where applicable
•    Perform vehicle manufacturer recommended shimming procedures if necessary
•    Remove vehicle from alignment equipment
•    Verify alignment by road test

Not Included Operations

•    Diagnostic road test to determine if alignment operations are necessary
•    Straighten or replace suspension parts and/or structural components
•    Shift or align engine subframe/crossmember and/or axle housing
•    R&I steering wheel
•    Non-vehicle manufacturer shimming
•    Adjust wheel bearings
•    Adjust rear wheel alignment

                                         NOTE: Labor times for Wheel Alignment are based on the use of Four Wheel Alignment equipment to ensure that a minimum Thrust Angle Alignment is provided in all instances where a Four Wheel Alignment cannot be performed. If other than Four Wheel Alignment equipment is used, some adjustments in labor times may be appropriate.