Guide Layout Sequence

Identify the Vehicle

Models are often combined in one service because there is enough similarity between them that a separate service for each is not necessary. Record all model identification information on the damage report. Paint code locations are found in the front of the Guide and/or the beginning of each service. This will save time in searching for refinish codes or touchup paint.

Use the Layout as a Guide

An alphabetized Section Index can be found at the beginning of each service. Arranged from front to rear and from outside the vehicle inward are about 30 sections for each service (example: grille, quarter panel, luggage lid). Most have illustrations in which the components are identified and described, and part numbers, part prices, and labor times are shown. The descriptions are carefully arranged to depict the most frequent kinds of collision damage.

Work Through the First Section

From the outside inward, note each part that is damaged and its attachments. For each part, list the part number, the price and the labor time.

Work Through Each Section

Use the sequence in the book as a guide and a reminder, and observe the notes that apply to specific situations. For the first few damage reports it is well worth reading through the Procedure Explanations to become thoroughly familiar with the approach used, and to know which parts and operations are included and which are not.

Complete the Damage Report

Add up all the labor times and calculate the total. Add up total part prices and material costs. Total, and you have a complete and accurate damage report.